Tuesday, June 29, 2010

About my future

Hello everyone, I am here again. This time I will talk about my career, mi profession…about my future.

For start, I tell you (in case you did not know) that this is my second career, in the last I have a motivational crisis in the second year, for that I leave it and chose this profession. I do not regret, happily.

I like to work area of this career, I like de public service and the direct contact with the people. This career give me the opportunity to expand my talents. For that I happy with my choose, I want to be a good public administrator (although I prefer to study forever, but we all should work, you know?).

I want to work in the local government, or in some ministry o public service, I not know, anyone that has good challenges and contact with the social problem.

Few times ago (around three years) I worked in the administration and the customer service of a company. At beginning I hated this job, but then I realized of mi abilities in the communicate with the people and for resolve different problem of the administration. I think that this was an excellent experience (also I known many friends). For that I tell that I want to be a good administrator but working in the public service, the private sectors have some practices that I do not like.

Whatever, in some years I hope to be a good persons and a better administrator, maybe in Santiago, I not know, I like Concepcion, I love the south of the country, and maybe I work there, maybe…

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My books

Hello, here I am again. This time I talk about books, great topic in my life, in fact, I hope talk about this since time ago...

From child I love reading (religious books inclusive), and always I search something that read. I am a restless person, and a good movie or a book make me feel brand new (like the song of Simply Red, remember you?).

Actually I read three books about political science, this talk about of democracy, political conflict and intolerance in our society postmodern. The authors are Slavoj Zizek, Chantal Mouffe and Alain Tourain. About Slavoj Zizek and the book "In defense of intolerance", he propose a intolerance like a element that make a real political dialogue, in where the confrontation is clear and make possible the political debate. In the beginning he exposed examples in USA about the utilization of ideal models for political purposes (like pregnancy in black woman and the abort). Then he argues his tesis and criticize the tolerant liberalism and multicultural.

A book that I remember in a special way, for a importante moment in my life, is a "Los zarpazos del puma" of Patricia Verdugo. In that time I was reading about politic in Chile, and this books make me discover the journalistic narrative, in fact, I read many books about this subject (like "El miedo en Chile", "Bucarest 187"). In this books the author talk the events of the dictatorship in Chile, the murder in a puma military helicopter and the experience of victims and murderers.

Always I find new books that read (but I not read religious books anymore). You have any interesting?

I see you

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gender integration in Chile

Hello everyone, today I will talk about gender and the public policies about this; about the inequality between woman and men, and the intencion of integration in the last years.

Our society, I think, show a clear intention to be a modern type of country, but whith emphasis in the economic field. For example, for combat the inequality, the public policies in the last years have been developed salary increases and more jobs for the woman. But this is insufficient. A effective public policy for this is, for example, the work permit for the men for the birth of babys (approved in July of 2005).

This public policy seeks to the equality in the family aspect, but also is a concrete intencion for remove the stigma of a natural process of the life, that this is not a problem for the work, and of exlusive responsability of the woman.

This is a good example, but the education is essencial for a real integration of gender in our society. Woman and men should be educated for understand a integral development in their lifes, in where the job, society and the family will not incompatible aspects.

I think that this is the reason for the discrimination, of many types, and a public policy of the education will be excelent beginning.

What do you think?